4 Benefits of Self-Reflection
The power of self reflection. It is a process in which you can dive into the depth of yourself while having a zoomed out approach. It is difficult to truly take into account how you are creating your life without self-reflection. Are you hindering your progress? Are you superficial with spiritual growth? Are you being kind and loving with your partner? These are the sort of self-inquiries that help me breathe life into the best version of myself. It takes time and work. When I am truly dialed into self-reflection as a way of life; a true non-negotiable, the positive results aren’t hard to see. Here are 4 life altering benefits of self-reflection:
You are more centered, peaceful and non-confrontational
When I ask myself each night: Were you proud of yourself today? Did you let fear hold you back in anyway? Were you selfish, dishonest, self-seeking or afraid? Do you owe any apology? Did you breathe life into your company and create? These questions aid a “step back and look over your own shoulders” sort of perspective. You are able to look at yourself as this character you are playing in this game of life. You don’t take things so seriously. Resentments are spotted, worked through and released. When you clear up the blocked channel from human shortcomings the result is a clear conduit of peace. This is your birthright.
You have more energy
“Plaque on the Soul” I hear all the time from a gentlemen in my community. The Soul or Spirit is alive and vitalized. It carries and inexhaustible energy within you. Always readily available for me to tap into. When I harness grudges. When I have fear I am not looking at and facing; I have plaque on the Soul. This plaque blots out or makes hard to access, the vital spiritual energy that is there to create the life that is meant for me. Self-reflection keeps the plaque at bay. A spiritual brushing of the teeth if you will. It is the energy we feel from a vitalized person that enthralls us.
You hear God clearer
My faith is everything. Without Gods love I would be dead. I have this agreement with Him. I turn my life over to You and You take care of everything else. My sole vocation is spiritual growth. Every other detail of my life is built off the back of that. Now, I don’t do this because I am a virtuous man. It is life and death for me. The cunning power of addiction thrust me into a spiritual way of life. This way of life has set me free. In order to stay free. I must stay close to Him and grow into the best possible man I can be on this earth. If I don’t live in this intent, my ass will get shoved back. Selfishness takes over and I am dragged into the lowest version of self. That, my friends, is no good. Thus, self-reflection is the practice that keeps my eyes and ears wide open to God’s inspiration.
If I am writing about humility, that means I am no humble, right? Self-reflections keeps you privy to the emotional pains of growing up. It creates intimacy between you and your fear centered shortcomings. With this newfound self-awareness you begin to relate and identify with those about you. You begin to see that your fellow brothers and sisters are doing the best they know how with the life they have been given. They may not be doing great. But, they, like myself are simply trudging along with their own story. They, also, wrestle with fear and love. Resentment and joy. So, who am I to judge? “Let he that be without sin cast the first stone.” John 8: 7-11
The time taken will not be missed. Rather, it will become utter solitude. The benefits yielded from daily self-reflection will be so profound that you will begin to wonder how you ever got along with life without such a practice. Have the courage to question yourself and you need not be concerned with the questioning of others.