We pray and pray, wondering why God is not answering us
Your God must meet the fear you know. There is a place hidden in the corner of your Soul that does not want to be found. It does not want to inhabit the light. People often make the mistake of building a relationship with God and still keep Him out of facets in their lives. It is like only wishing for a thimble of freedom. A thimble of Resurrection. Silly, right? If you were given a bucket and a thimble to draw from a fountain of vitalizing water which would you choose? Fear is the monger that tempts us to settle. Settle right where we don’t get challenged to much. Where we don’t frustrate our ego. Where we still cling to comfort. Character defects run rapid in this arena.
We pray and pray, wondering why God is not answering us. Many wonder why they feel stuck and cannot spiritually advance. In their hearts they know there is a shaded area within that they are not facing. Most times, solitary self-appraisal is not sufficient. Seeking the zoomed out perspective of a close friend, spiritual advisor or a life coach is the kick in the ass that is needed to unlock the humility necessary to introduce your neatly avoided fear to God. You can’t see your ears. We need one another. We must rely on one another if we expect spiritual advancement. There is no shame in seeking out help. Therapy and life coaching changed my life. There can be a pattern or a hangup, that is so blatant to a therapist or a coach; yet remain hidden from you. However, most people think that they want to change. They think that they want to walk through their fears. However, they really just want relief from the way they are feeling. The relief you are seeking is in the work that you are avoiding.