Forget To Remember

Sometimes we need reminders. Hell, I know I do. Reminders of our truth. Reminders of who we are. Reminders of the immensity of ourself. That we are love and have a value to offer this world. That we are okay. That we are doing a good job. I need this reminder. From who? The people that I show my true self to. Men that I have an open book policy with. Friends that know my self-doubt that can remind me of my many triumphs over self-doubt. I need reminders of how far I've come. Even though most of the time I may know, "Scott, you don’t have to doubt. You know everything is working out as it should and God’s got you.” I know this. In my cells I know this. Yet, there is Power when you hear and feel it from another human heart. Sometimes we can’t thrift through the bullsh** in our head. And that is okay!

It is pride that keeps one from asking for help. The mind says “I should be able to figure this out. Other people know how to handle this. Why can’t I?” Oh, how silly the mind is! Pride is what keeps us from our evolution. Pride keeps us stuck. Pride makes us clutch mud while screaming “It is Gold!”. Ask for help. Tell someone you trust, “I just need to talk.” The beautiful part in forgetting is the joy of remembering!




Self-Will vs Gods-Will